Monday, February 7, 2011


This is me refusing to do my homework.
I love the demotivator poster that says: 
"Hard work often pays off over time, 
But Laziness always Pays off Now."
Love it.
Sometimes, I live by that.

Procrastination Demotivator

My roommate introduced me to a new website.
It's called
and it is the best waste of time ever.
Really, I love it.
Basically, you mark your interests
and then click the Stumble button.

Then, the magic happens.
Amazing websites you would have never found on your own
Appear before your eyes magically.
It's fantastic.

And before you know it 3 hours have gone by
While you were happily stumbling upon the most wonderful things.

Some of the fabulous things I've stumbled upon:
Incredible Photography, Gorgeous Views and Landscapes

Amazing Science Projects
Happy Science Projects for Kids
Gorgeous Crafts
G-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
Gluten Free Delicious Treats
Color America
Real Great-Depression Pictures in COLOR!

You will love it and hate it at the same time 
for sucking away all of your time.
But mostly, you will love it.
So I recommend you start stumbling now:

Cheesy Alert (Stop reading if you are opposed to extra cheesiness):
I love Scott.  He is so funny and says the sweetest things.
Tonight he texted me goodnight: "Buena nocha mi amor."
I am so lucky and extremely blessed.  
I am in love.
Ok, there I said it.
The end.


  1. This is so great...I just love you guys!

  2. as if I didn't already waste enough time blogstalking... I think I'm going to love that site haha
